[@Sanity43217] King Thomas Nicolin could not believe what he was hearing. His eyes grew wide for a moment. But, they soon quickly narrowed as his stare turned into a glare. He was speechless at first, but that passed quickly enough. "You....you....how dare you?! You honestly dare to ask such an ignorant....immoral...." He was very much upset. "My own forbids such a thing!" It was an excuse, as his own word was law, but he was not looking to remarry, let alone remarry to another king. However, his royal adviser(currently an npc) quickly ran up to him and whispered something, looking as if trying to talk him out of his decision. "He is the enemy!" He whispered back. More whispers from the royal adviser followed. The king sighed. "Yes I know however...." He was cut off by the mentioning of the war ending, his daughter needing help, and many other things. By the way the kings' eyes looked at that moment, he was calming down but still angry, and yet thinking.... He turned towards the other king, but rather slowly. "What would such an 'alliance' truly offer?"