[b][right]LOTHAL[/right][/b] [right][sup][@Eviledd1984][/sup][/right] Gal'Tek followed the Wookiee through the streets of the city, ducking left and right as shots were taken at them. One caught him in the leg and he went down, tumbling. Managing to secure himself in a doorway. Suddenly, an explosion overhead as blaster bolts rained down from the sky and struck a building that had Rangers camping on the roof. The screaming engines of First Order drop ships could be heard as they wooshed past overhead, before spinning back around. Their auto-cannons firing indiscriminately at anything that moved. Including Snoata. Gal'Tek climbed out of his hiding spot, one hand reaching down and applying pressure to the wound on his leg. Meanwhile, he used his other hands to wave at the closest transport. Of the two one landed on the roof, the door opening and troopers running down the ramp taking positions all around the roof. Meanwhile, the closer ship landed in the middle of the street, troopers ran out shooting at everything that moved beyond Gal'Tek. An officer came out wielding a pistol. "Come with us. Now." [hr] [right][b]THE [I]VAGABOND[/i] // FIRST ORDER SPACE[/b][/right] [right][sup][@Heat][/sup][/right] The ship drifted lazily through the atmosphere of Dubrillion. Two TIE Fighters escorted her, one of the port and starboard sides. The pilot however never reported this to the mercenaries within. As they approached the city and the landing pad beside the ocean he didn't alert them to the fact that a troop transport sat there, the stormtroopers stood on the platform waiting for the [I]Vagabond[/i] to come in for a landing. Besides the troop transport stood an old Nu-attack shuttle. Outside of it stood [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/311/931/large/daniel-irwin-8af7d417-3157-4211-8d87-0f24b97c03fc.jpg?1567278659]A man in old clone armour[/url], as the [I]Vagabond[/i] came in to land, he put his helmet on and signalled to the troopers. Filing up the ramp two by two, they stormed the ship.