[hider=Yoshinobu]Name: Yoshinobu Misawa Age: 21 Element: Earth Profession: Bodyguard Appearance: [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/vYIRmRmliIUWikAtoXis7NLCVtY=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/10661633/YakuzaIshin_2.jpg[/img] His hair is long and unkempt, has a wild look in his eyes. 5'10" Average build. Background:After the demise of his clan, Misawa began travelling from city to city,working any job he can find,most the time it's for a few lousy coins or a bowl of rice, not living the high life anymore has made him very impolite and hard to deal with most the time, and of course being drunk 95% of the time, doesn't help matters either. Inventory: dirty ragged clothes that reak of piss, shit, and saki. The only thing that isn't filth or junk, is his katana, which most people believe he stole it off a dead samurai. Other: All hail Kuro :) [/hider]