Character Creation -Can we be fantasy races in addition to mundane races? (because I love me some Halflings) In a sense, yes. The human race itself has been altered by the reality shift. So its less "I am a race from dnd" and more "Wtf, My ears are pointy and my eyes see real good". This game will take place, essentially a generatior or two pass the first event. So these "races" would have had children that grown up at the time of the game. Can we be magic users or in possession of magical artifacts? (because I usually like tinkerers and scouts) -100 percent. Whats the point of magic if you cant use it! There will be more explenation once the OOC is set up. Are we from a certain country or faction? There arent really any borders or countries anymore. Seeing how everythings collapsed. But you all belong to the same small society/town. That of "Lanterns Light", a safe haven that yo uwill help build and settle the ground around. World State How long ago was this apocalypse? -About 40 years ago. Enough time for there to have been two generations and people having settled somewhat. The resource scarcity isnt really a problem. Its not the nuclear winter scenario. There is if possible, more resources now. Some of them new, such as things with magical properties. Its just a matter of the world being untamed and dangerous once again for humanity.