[hider=Aurora Dyewynn the Spiritual Advisor][h1][/h1] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mkFbcLS.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/271Vq4y.jpg?1[/img] [color=gray]A U R O R A D Y E W Y N N[/color] [sub][sub]W A T C H B I R T H A N D D E A T H : T H E L O T U S H A S A L R E A D Y O P E N E D I T S F L O W E R .[/sub][/sub] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DkWjPqa.png?1[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0hgKymt.png[/img][/center] [center][color=bca346]P S Y C H O L O G Y[/color][/center] [center][sup][sup]F E M A L E ⋆ L I G H T E L F 423 ⋆ 5'8 ⋆ 1 2 0 L B S W H I T E H A I R ⋆ W H I T E E Y E S ⋆ P A L E S K I N[/sup][/sup][/center] [indent][indent][sub]L I K E S[/sub] [indent] [color=silver]⋆ Serenity ⋆ Friendship ⋆ Truth[/color] [/indent] [sub]D I S L I K E S[/sub] [indent] [color=silver]⋆ Chaos ⋆ Quarrels ⋆ Lies[/color] [/indent] [sub]F E A R S[/sub] [indent] [color=silver]⋆ Fighting ⋆ Providing Harm ⋆ Dark Magic[/color] [/indent] [center][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/center] [indent] [color=silver] Trained as a spiritual advisor, Aurora has a quiet but dutiful demeanor. She is seen as kind as she is reserved towards expressing her own feelings and opinions. She enjoys peace and tries to settle any disagreement before aggression arises. Therefore, the elf prefers offering fundamental truths as opposed to unintentionally inviting any hesitation or dispute into a discussion. However, if need be, she is the first to offer herself as a sacrifice in any quarrel. Her will is patient, and even in a spar of any sort, Aurora remains calm and collective. She is generally slow in reacting, as she tries to avoid fights at all cost and considers the well-being of all involved. Her innocent face of worriment is a bold statement of how she humbly cares for those who are not herself. She does not wish to even think ill of her enemies. However, when she must defend a companion, she will honorably pursue her duty. Aurora is seen as an easy target, but her wisdom provides for a way of life that guides her away from atrocities. Her charm is enchanting but never used in a dishonorable fashion. It speaks to the good in other creatures and can often times be ignored by the omens of others. Nonetheless, her foresight ought not to be dismissed, even by the most powerful. In everything, Aurora cherishes life as she does all creatures as she takes not just her life but the life of those around her very seriously. For this reason, she tends to keep an arms distance from many others but is well appreciated and cautiously friendly towards all. Occasionally, she will engage in light-hearted whims. Her humor is sensitive and often causes a shy blush when pushed to react. In these moments, Aurora keeps them safeguarded in her memory, not taking them for granted. [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0hgKymt.png[/img][/center] [center][color=bca346]B A C K G R O U N D[/color][/center] [indent][indent][center][sub]O C C U P A T I O N[/sub][/center] [center][color=silver]Spiritual Advisor[/color][/center] [center][sub]L I V I N G I M M E D I A T E F A M I L Y M E M B E R S[/sub][/center] [center][sub][sup]M O T H E R[/sup][/sub] [color=silver]Forsythia Dyewynn[/color] [sub][sup]B R O T H E R[/sup][/sub] [color=silver]Rowan Dyewynn[/color][/center] [center][sub]D E A D I M M E D I A T E F A M I L Y M E M B E R S[/sub][/center] [center][sub][sup]F A T H E R[/sup][/sub] [color=silver]Claderith Dyewynn[/color][/center] [center][sub]C U R R E N T C O M P A N I O N S[/sub][/center] [center][color=silver]TBA[/color][/center] [center][sub]C U R R E N T A N D P A S T L O V E R (S)[/sub][/center] [center][color=silver]None[/color][/center] [center][sub]H I S T O R Y[/sub][/center] [indent][color=silver] Born of two elves, who both worked as safeguards for the royal court of the Sun Kingdom. Her mother was a dutiful maid, and her father was a spiritual advisor to the royal court. Aurora’s father Claderith Dyewynn was a much older elf, believing to keep his wisdom and clairvoyance through celibacy and chastity. He never let his mind wander into romantic territories until he slowly softened his heart to Aurora’s mother Forsythia. Forsythia bore Claderith two children. One son Rowan and later a daughter Aurora. Both were raised within the Sun Kingdom’s walls, and both have devoted their lives to continuing their servitude inside these royal grounds. Rowan decided to serve in the military with his horse Cephal. His knowledge and studies of archery and combat serve the kingdom well. On the other hand, Aurora was born blind and was there was great fear she would lead a crippled life. However, what she lacked physically, she more than compensated in wisdom and holy insight. Aurora was trained to be sensitive, not just to the heart of others but to the world around her. She can hear her surroundings and make accurate judgements on her whereabouts. If it were not for the white clouds shading her pupils, her grave and ease of movement can be thought as that of an elf with her site. Her lack of sight causes her to be less prone to worldly desires, and for such a reason, her studies, which follow the footsteps of her father as a spiritual advisor, have come more naturally for her than most. She began at an early age, having taken interest in other worldly duties due to her differences among the other eight elves. She has inherited the mindful duty of her father, letting little cease her interaction with the spiritual world. From her mother, she has inherited a tender touch and humble nature. [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0hgKymt.png[/img][/center] [center][color=bca346]C O M B A T A N D M A G I C[/color][/center] [indent][indent] [color=bca346]Strength[/color] 4 [color=bca346]Speed on Land[/color] 5 [color=bca346]Speed in Air[/color] 0 [color=bca346]Magical Ability[/color] 9 [color=bca346]Dexterity[/color] 6 [color=bca346]Weapon Proficiency[/color] 2 [color=bca346]Stealth[/color] 5 [/indent][/indent] [h1][/h1] [/hider]