Dean’s skin lit up when her fingers reached his waistband, and he gave a soft shuddered groan against her lips. His fingers finally managed to decide to work, and he pulled roughly at her pants, pulling them down with some effort. He broke the kiss and leaned back from her, letting her legs down long enough to peal her rain soaked pants from her legs clumsily. He reached behind him and worked her boots to the point that he could remove them, before dropping both of them in the floor, and finally managing to get her pants off with a noise of happiness. Before rejoining her, he reached out of the bus and pulled the door shut as quietly as he could manage. Turning back to her he trailed kisses from her ankle, up her thigh and carefully across her stomach, before lowering himself back down into a deep and aggressive kiss against her lips, biting her bottom lip roughly as he fumbled with the button on his own pants. After unbuttoning them, his hands trailed up her sides with a sigh, stopping them at her throat, where he pressed his fingers into her jawline. The setting, with the rain and the alcohol, and the adrenaline was intoxicating on its own. It was exciting and erotic. It was what he needed, just carefree time with her, blowing off steam. Again…Bobby was going to be pissed, if he found them…