[@FunnyGuy] [center][h1]Emperor Dragan[/h1][/center] [color=gray]"Ahem! I require assistance in my throne room!"[/color] The Emperor's call brought a team of servants running back in. When they saw the dumplings scattered on the floor, they all gasped and hurriedly began picking them up. No sooner had the last dumpling made it on the tray than the palace doors opened to let [url=https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2019/06/09/15/27/fantasy-4262318_960_720.jpg]a certain bald soldier[/url] through. His every step had [i]presence[/i] in the room as he walked, and in his stern gaze was the face of a warrior. "I have come at your request, your Majesty," he said with a deep bow. "I understand you have concerns about the quality of my service to the Empire." [hr] [@Rabidporcupine] [center][h1]Chatak[/h1][/center] At Chatak's request, Kolgat closed his eyes. And began to snore again. Shaktak took out his monocle and pocket watch and started timing it. The old goblin slept standing upright for exactly 4 minutes and 31 seconds before coming back with an answer. ["We will be needing their labor back later. If you can train replacements and send them to us, that would be fine. You could also send back their products if they can be shipped quickly. However, I suggest we discuss this sort of thing when it becomes an issue. For now, just take them, and if Her Ladyship wants them back, we can talk about it then."] Shaktak sniffed. "Well color me shocked. The old boy did it. He awoke from his slumber." Kolgat frowned back and retorted, "Shock is not a color, stupid goblin," prompting a laugh from his victim. "Thou learnst not of figures of speech, I see! For a scholar, thou hast much yet to learn of the linguistic arts." The goblin gave him the side-eye and turned back to Chatak. ["If you can create a nation [i]without[/i] that bastard, I might consider visiting. Anyway, I look forward to seeing what you come up with."]