[hider=Her Majesty] Name: She may be addressed as Queen Victoria Elizabeth Louise Maria Dahlia Race: Her Majesty is a Royal Alligator with glossy black scales and a gleaming silver underbelly. Her sparkling eyes as well as the inside of her glorious mouth are a brilliant lavender color. She is on the petit side compared to her siblings, at a modest twenty or so feet long from nose to tail, and a proud six feet tall at the shoulder. Job: As a queen, she has a domain and subjects, but most importantly, many assets. As one can imagine, it's all very tiring work taking care of her subjects and keeping track of her property, and so, she's fancied herself a nice vacation. She does love to travel and see new places, afterall. Background: Though rude to ask a lady her age, she may tell you that she has been around for quite some time and seen and been to a great many places. When she so fancies, she loves to travel and pick up new experiences and acquaintances, as well as interesting or shiny items for her collection. Home: She occasionally reminisces of her palace and her subjects in the Oasis of Lilly Valley. She won't say how long she's been away. Perhaps she's been on vacation for quite some time… at least relative to those less long lived. Abilities: Royal Alligators tend to have a knack for magic. Often, they possess abilities comparable to the breath weapons of their close cousins, the dragons. Her Majesty has extensive knowledge of magics, however, the ability she was born with that she uses on a daily basis is hidden behind her pearly whites. Deep inside her maw lies a glowing swirling purple vortex which leads to a pocket dimension. This is where she keeps her prized treasures and collections. A dragon may be limited to one location to guard their hoard, but Queen Victoria does not take her gift for granted. She wanders as she pleases, accumulating wealth and treasure as she goes. [/hider] [hider=Grey] Name: Prince Antony James Grey "Please… just Grey. I'm not royalty." Age: 16/17 (uncertain) Race: Unknown Somewhat pale skin, bright blue eyes, black hair with a possible glint of blue; It all looks perfectly human until you notice the sleek black horns, long silver-gray tail, and just how bright his eyes are. Job: If you ask his "mother", she'll tell you that it's to accompany her on the road. If you ask him, he's essentially her servant. She doesn't have hands after all and can't do much on her own. He has a handful of skill sets, but was raised to be a doctor. Background: Dropped off on a doorstep as a baby, he was brought up fairly normally with a loving human family… until he hit puberty. When the horns and tail began to grow in at twelve years old, he found himself on the street. Elizabeth always was a sucker for cute orphans… usually of the reptilian variety. Home: As much as he hates to admit it, he knows that his adoptive mother really does love and adore him. He doesn't plan to leave her anytime soon. Abilities: He has a knack for fire based magic. It always turns blue for some reason. [/hider]