[@Forsythe][@Lucky] "Oh! Forgive me, friend - I was in my own world somewhat. Lovely day out today, is it not?" The appetising side of bacon came over on all fours, then stood up, tucked at his vest and reached out a front foot, then retracted it and wiped it clean with a handkerchief before reaching it out again. "Pleasure to meet you, newcomer. My name is Sweinfred Haxe. I'm the mayor of this town. If you are looking for a morning meal, I was just heading over to Mr. Kadoka's for some venison and then to Mr. Admoss' for some horseradish. If we're lucky, Minnow might have some leftover rolls from last night's dinner rush - well, if she hasn't gone to sleep already." The mayor flashed a porcine grin before his small eyes turned to the neighbouring voice and nodded to Lea'Nariya. "Good morning, Ms. en Barcinna! All was well last night, I hope?"