Dr Girard nodded woozily, wanting to believe the giant lizard. “We saw all those soldiers, all the defences. Surely nothing can get through?” The two scientists stepped gingerly through the dark garage after the Agent’s light blue HUD outline. “I don’t know anymore. None of this shit has gone to plan since the start. Let me think...” 595 snapped, feeling burdened by this ragtag group she was leading. There was no immediate reply to Vreta over comms. “Forget it. This thing could be controlling all our comms. I’m not even sure GCHQ is still operational.” 595 whispered. All the instruments in her suit were going haywire. She queried the G5 CSF virus she’d planted in the building, and found no reliable options for getting a message out. She did, however, find a way to turn the lights on. They stopped flickering, and while more than half had been blown, the garage was still more visible than it was before. 595 led them carefully to an enclosed office next to the subway station. Holding her shotgun out in front, she pushed open the door and the lights turned on, revealing a waiting area with a transit station built into the walls. She moved quickly over to the controls and tried to plot an extraction back to the Vault. Meanwhile, Freyr went to the subway terminal in the office and tried to decipher the complex diagram of New Antioch’s train system. “Says there's a train in thirty seconds! Lets see if i can eliminate the additional stops…” She mumbled, deftly working the interface. “GCHQ is just a few minutes away! If we’re quick, we can-” “No. I’m getting you all out of here. It’s too dangerous.” 595 responded firmly. Text comms from other assets in the area were beginning to ping up nested under the Priority 1 order in her HUD. 595 just needed to get rid of these people, so she could focus. “Ok, the connection is weak but we can jump from here. Get in.” Freyr turned to Vreta. “You know we need answers. Will you help me?” “Don’t you fucking enable her.” 595 growled straight afterwards, pointing a menacing finger in the Rothian's direction.