Kane would raise an eyebrow as her question got turned back to her. “Not at the moment” She would reply “Though you might want to hold off on filling out a class slot or two. Schedules aren’t finalized until two weeks after term starts. As the requirements listed can be tested around.” She would offer up, Jinny disappointment about not being able to join the mechanics class hadn’t gone unnoticed. “It also might be a worthwhile idea to use that time to audit some of the more esoteric classes as well” She add “Your...” She would stall for just a moment to glance over at Slade “Mentor likely wouldn’t have been able to provide much more then simple discussion points on some of them” Slade would let out a soft chuckle at that. Not because she was wrong about his inability to teach on those subjects, but because of the Headmistress’ labeling of his connection to Jinny. “I assume that the teachers are responsible for testing prospective students?” He would ask as he neared finishing his paperwork. “That is correct” She would reply, to which Slade would only give an understanding hum. “After the first week of class I would be willing to reassess your question” She would finish, continuing from where Slade interjected. “Any other questions?” She would ask, a lingering curiosity notable.