[center][img]https://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1551/12369463_10208356114529513_869450373_o9684464.jpg[/img][/center] [color=White][b][i] Many moons ago, the Elven kingdom,the Dwarven kingdom, and the Human kingdom signed a peace treaty, that they thought would last forever. Until one eventful night, a prophecy was foretold, the sun would be engulfed by darkness, and the King of the underworld would unleash his army of death upon the lands of Karoken. That day came, the eclipse of the sun, darkness spread across the lands like a roaring wildfire. Many innocent lives lost or taken, while each leader remained at home. If they had gathered their forces, they could have defeated the darkness and saved lives, but they feared that it was the end of the world, so they hid themselves. When the eclipse ended, and darkness had retreated back to the underworld, There was still darkness in the hearts of each kingdom. The peace treaty was destroyed, and soon rumors of war traveled throughout all the lands of Karoken. The Dwarven kingdom declared war on the Elven kingdom, blaming them for the strange magic that darkened the sun. The Human kingdom decided to watch and wait, before making a move against their enemies. But, unknowing to the Human kingdom, the beast people of the Animal kingdom declared war on them for the genocide of their animal brethern who have been slaughtered for food, clothing, and sport. The Darkness kingdom laughed and enjoyed the war between the other kingdoms, because they had their necromancers working on a spell that would darken the sun again, but a lot longer.[/i][/b][/color] [u]ROLES[/u] [b]Elven High King- Dwarven Mountain king- Human Queen- Namru the ancient oak tree- (animal kingdom leader)(Treant) King of the Underworld- Extras,Soldiers,Citizens,etc[/b] [center][color=Yellow][b]CS Template Name: Age: Gender: Race: (Human,Elf,Dwarf,Werebeast,Evil Minion) Armor: Weapons: Profession: Misc.: Appearance: [/b][/color][/center]