It was difficult for Rhia to evaluate the situation, given how much information was obscured from her. Given the dangers that had presented themselves, standard procedure would be to evacuate and attempt to evaluate the situation from a safe distance. However, she was doubtful that her mission could be completed with that approach. Not to mention, there was something not adding up about what information they [i]were[/i] receiving. Vreta would probably want to err on the side of caution…but Vreta was not here right now. An attack on the headquarters back in the real world, while not impossible, would be difficult to pull off. If it [i]had[/i] been entirely overrun, then their bodies would not be safe. There would be no reason to allow them to remain in the simulation when they could simply disconnect them physically. That would imply that their bodies were still being protected, but in that case, why had they suddenly stopped receiving communications? Even if she was in the middle of a firefight, Rareth’s implants should be able to handle simple communications. Evacuation orders had gotten through, but then apparently nothing else? It felt too convenient. If there was something controlling their communications, then they could not trust what they had been told. “You said it yourself, something in the Cradle could be controlling our comms. We do not know if there has even [i]been[/i] an attack. My task is to make contact with the entity, and there seems to be something trying to prevent that. It is too convenient that evacuation orders would reach us, but then [i]literally[/i] nothing else.” Rhia responded.