Dean hissed a bit as she ran her fingers over the tender skin, as it was still healing under all the scarring. As she leaned down and kissed the scar, he couldn’t help his eyes drifting closed. The memories of the attack fluttered into his mind, and then slipped away as she touched his face. He smiled and nodded, “That we have…” Thinking about the times together that they had almost died, one way or another was painful to remember, in a way. But he was thankful they were both still fine. Yeah, he had almost died horrifically, and mostly because his dad gave up on him, and it sucked…but now he was with her. He then thought back to the night of her attack, and how everyone acted around him, when they broke the news of her death. He had stumbled out the door, and dropped to his knees for the first time in his life, screaming at the sky in the rain to the point that his throat bled. No one followed him, but Sam, confused and hurt to see him so torn up. He didn’t even remember how long he stayed in that position, not wanting to be around anyone as he punished himself, and verbally punished the universe for taking the one good. The one constant in his life. It was the single worse feeling he could remember, and coming out of the vision, he stared up at her face, her hand still on his cheek. “But I’m still here…”, he whispered, reaching up to grab her own face, pulling it down to his in a thankful and passionate kiss.