January smiled gratefully as his request for a glass of water was granted. This smile almost immediately vanished as he looked over at Yuki and sar her using a statue of Venus as a weapon rack. When the Roman Empire turned to Christ all those many centuries ago, January chose to remain faithful to the gods that built the empire and kept that faith long into the modern day. Seeing Yuki treating the statue of Venus with such little respect irked the vampire to no end. Even so, January gave no voice to his issue with Yuki's behavior. She had just saved him the trouble of handling some demons after all. "Thank you." January said has he was provided with the requested water. "I will get to the point," The dragon said as January took a sip of water. "Something has been stolen, several things actually and I want what is mine returned." "Someone would steal from a dragon?" January asked, an eyebrow arched in curiosity. "I didn't think that such courage still existed nowadays. What did the thief take from you?"