Rose stood still as Chiyoko spoke to her, she blinked slowly and looked towards her friends momentarily before she realized her cup was now empty. "Oh." She said as she looked to the splatter on the ground with a small frown, "Damn they're not going to like that mess.." She trailed off before she tried to pull her head back to what she was originally thinking. "But, [i]we're[/i] apparently their enemy now. I... I don't think there is a way for me to go back to being human." She seemed to have slowly clicked, "Gaia was never human! She came to the group as how she was now." Gaia glanced over to Rose as she heard her name, before her ears flicked and she moved to carry Sam off away from Steph and sat down with him in her lap. Rose's mind slowly seemed to overload and she noticed her breathing had picked up. She stepped away from Chiyoko for a moment, feeling the hard wall almost slam into her back as she hit it wit her pack. "I... I don't think they'd even [i]want[/i] us? I heard whispers of Gaia being dangerous and Steph... Steph is a demon too! They'll try and kill her, won't they?" Her panic started to rise as she slid down the wall. [hr] "Compromised?" She repeated, before she nodded to Ethan. "I think I can walk, thank you." She said. Harriet's mind tried to reach out and find someone she knew, but nothing was connecting. Was whatever happened to her severed her connections? She glanced to Ethan for a second and tried to link to his mind, a small spark of pain bounced through her head and gave a bit of a grumble. "Yeah," She started softly, "I think my... Things might still be there?" Harriet said before she moved her hand to trace a bit of a circle in the sky before a small inky portal appeared where she drew. To the boys, the portal was completely inky black; but to Harriet she could see the inside of her room with ease. She looked it over with narrowed eyes before she popped the portal and shook her head. "My things are gone." She said almost solemnly. Where had it disappeared to? She asked herself before sighing. "Are we... able to go to the base anyway?" She asked Morison, before she glanced towards Barrow and winced slightly at his cigarette.