[b][i]"Showtime."[/i][/b] As far as plans go, this wasn't the worse plan. They at least weren't getting ambushed. Certainly [i]everything[/i] could go better, but Reyvadin knows that there's no such thing as a perfect plan, just one that works. The presume leader of these brigands cut down one of the prisoners, perhaps as a show of intimidation, and proceeded to take on Raddek. Two brigands were moving towards him and Lorcan, scanning the area with their crossbow. The big lug went on the offensive and tried to bash one of the brigands in the head with his cuffs. [b][i]"Seriously, does no one here have even a branch as a weapon? I literally gave a few out. Bunch of savages."[/i][/b] Reyvadin decided to capitalize on the distraction that Lorcan made and thrust his wooden spear towards the thug. In a moment, Reyvadin would almost feel himself back at home. A much younger man, armed with a similarly crude spear, but attacking a straw dummy. The dummy was armored with metal plates and the young man was thrusting his weapon at the head and neck, though more often than not his spear struck the plates. He seemed to be having a fun time at it until a much older man stood behind him and struck his head with a solid fist. He scolded the youngling for trying to attack such an armored position: even if the foe would surely die if struck in the neck or head, it's also the part that he would defend the most. He needed to strike not just where it would be most effective, but also least defended. And so the man continued training, aiming his blows more carefully this time. While not quite as visceral, the young man was getting more accustomed to get his spear where it needs to be. Back to reality, as Lorcan struck at the man's head Reyvadin burst from his hiding spot to attack the man. Though a bandit he may be, this thug still had some armor on him. A padded jacket wasn't the strongest but against this crude wooden spear it would be enough that Reyvadin won't be able to inflict a lethal blow against him through his body. So instead the exiled prince aimed lower: into the back of the brigand's knee. Reyvadin struck hard and fast, putting his full body into the attack before pulling his body away and staying on the move. Reyvadin had no armor to speak of so standing still would be a death sentence. He'll let Lorcan attract the bolts: he was a bigger target and likely scarier to these rogues than a much smaller, somewhat lithe Reyvadin. He made a dash for some trees to serve as cover from both errant bolts and the enemy's eyes. Hopefully the others are handling their threats: Reyvadin can't be bothered to watch over them and focus on his own fight. If things are looking that bad Reyvadin will just have to cut his loses, stealing what he can and running back into the woods. [hider=Rolls and Info] Spear Attack = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/21995]4[/url] [/hider]