At the mention of what the thieves had been after, what once had been mild annoyance shifted into a fury that not even the most violently enraged great wyrm could hope to match as all previous thoughts fled the vampire's mind. Whoever did this, they were most likely from Power. With Power's tendency to snap up resources vulnerable or exposed, January knew all manner of mage and mystic would come running from miles in every direction at the prospect of resources as rich as Harold's ripe for the taking now that he was no longer there to defend them. But going so far as to steal his will? January knew few people outside the Robinson family would respect it, but the contents of his late friend's will was just as much his last words as the ones he spoke with his last breath. They detailed his dying wishes, conveyed fond final messages to those he was close to in life, left behind instructions regarding matters of family and possessions that Power would have no interest in whatsoever. And just as he could hazard a guess as to who would go after Harold's will, January had an inkling of an idea as to why they went for it as well. If someone got their hands on the will, they could alter it and lend a level of legitimacy to their designs on Harold's worldly possessions. The thought of someone who wasn't Harold making even the smallest altaration to his will made January want to break something. Preferably something that would scream when he broke it. After a moment, January took a breath. His face settling into a calm expression as he looked back at the woman. "If I may ask, why tell me any of this?" January said. "If somebody took what was yours, why take the time to meet with me when you could be tracking down the thieves and recovering what they took?" [hider=Synopsis] January attempts to figure the woman out with the intention of learning what she's hoping to get from him and what she worries might happen. He rolls a [url=]7[/url] in the attempt. [/hider]