Maybe most humans had those what do you call it, qualms about talking down to supposed threads or what have you but Shazar wasn't about that life. He was about [i]getting rewards.[/i] Anyone who said the meek shall inherit the earth ain't all that bright in his book. "[b]I see. So ya ain't gonna play this smart. Shame. You got some nice skin.[/b]" A taunting whistle shrilly popped from his lips as the cave passage filled with indiscernibly thick smog, his left arm raising up and cuffing his mouth in instinctive defense. Frankly, the odds of a drow of any sort let alone a spellcasting variety falling on their knees could only be described as a far shot. But hey. The effort was made. The rogue could no longer feel like he had a "missed opportunity." What could he do about it? He wasn't sulky at all that his chance to brag to the Den boys about being a drow [i]lord[/i] was dashed to pieces; no not at all. It didn't have his molars grinding together with frustration. His smug internal perception of himself wasn't being threatened, [i]no~[/i] But something about it all did make him mad. Aw'right then. Right hand nimbly reaching into his spell component pouch, the beansprout man grasped something meaty. To expunge any notions of impropriety, it was some kind of appendage from a beast cut up and coated in a gel of some type to keep the hydration going. A.. tentacle. [b]SLGHG[/b] Speaking candidly, he couldn't see a god damned thing. However, he heard the wench, saw shadows, and had a rough idea what direction relative to himself she'd been at. That was more than enough for his favorite spell. [b]Black Tentacles.[/b] [hider=Grab Grasp Clench] [img][/img] [/hider] Boy was he glad at applying himself enough to learn this one. Massive sprawling "arms" with crushing strength that would pour out of the ground or even water if it were present, and grasp at every entity in their area; which, wasn't all that bad at a twenty foot radius from their origin point. And rather proud of himself at this fact, the human could keep these babies going for a while~ He figured it was a good way to more intimately introduce himself even as he dropped to the ground in a stomach-down prone position. After all it'd been coo' if she were wrapped up all tight like, boy would he love watching that. But just as coo' if she were on the run now. He did'n need to see to hear hurried steps in this hole after all.