[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/546056855978377216/858843614732615700/hgtrfed.png[/img][/center] [center]Word Count: 803 [/center] [center][color=00aeef][b]Level 5[/b] [/color] - (68/50) + 2[/center] [center][color=darkgreen]Level 9 [/color] - (50/90) + 2[/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=00aeef]Link[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Location: The Bottomless Sea ~ The Maw[/center] [@DracoLunaris][@Dark Cloud] [hr] As a matter of fact Link [i]did[/i] want that suspicious hat, pressing it down over his scalp and giving it a few hearty raps with his knuckle. It let out a satisfying sturdy clanking sound. "Who knows, it could save my life." He already owed his continual existence to one goofy looking helmet today, he didn't see any harm in trusting another. Unfortunately it seemed to be the only semi-immediately useful thing their search had turned up. As Kamek busied himself checking a random page from the big pile of documents they had uncovered, admittedly something he was interested in himself, Link gave his attention to the molds and the containers of black goo. Curiously, he twisted the top off one of the containers and began to tip it over the key mold. Then, before he began to pour, he suddenly thought better of it. He didn't know what this stuff was going to do, if anything, but if it turned out to be some metal eating jelly he didn't want to destroy the obviously most important mold. Instead he dragged the saw blade mold over and carefully tipped the container until the black goo poured out in a steady stream until it filled out the shape. Then Link closed the container back and took a few steps back to watch what happened. It wasn't long before he was pulled away from his experiment by a loud, shuttering CRASH from outside. Startled, he ran to the doorway and looked out to see the monster duking back under the surface across the way. Piece of the catwalk slammed down into the water all around, dislodged from the force of the impact, and he frantically scanned the walkways above for any sign of the Cadet and Ms. Fortune. By the grace of the gods they were still up there and Link felt his heart slow down a pace as he registered that. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=darkgreen]Linkle[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=red]Merge Rate: 31%[/color][/h2][/center] [center]Location: The Cold Monastery[/center] [hr] The seconds seemed to tic by like centuries as Linkle waited for the goddesses response. Linkle could only wait and hope that what she had said had gotten through the haze. Then, she heard the rustling and looked up to find one of Albeto's flowers poking its way up out between the drawings. Then, unflinching, he gave her the final push she needed. Freya. The daughters name was Freya. It was a pretty name, and even the feeling of the Skull Heart bristling with anger over the goddesses unflinching eye contact couldn't quell the feeling of victory at having heard it. This was the name the stranger had wanted, the location he had tried to beat out of this woman. So far the score was Linkle: 2, Stranger: 0, and she was eager to keep that winning streak going. Linkle stood, smiling, as the woman turned her head and buried it in her dog. She softly laid her hand on the Goddess's shoulder. "I swear I will." She said, then she gave the Doge a quick scratch behind the ear and walked to join Albedo and the Father. As she approached she clapped the boy on the back. "Thanks Albedo. I was worried she was going to slip back into...well...wherever she goes." Father Guerra also seemed suitably impressed with the two of them. He asked about whether that Life and Death stuff was true, and while Albedo deflected the question Linkle just nodded. After all, it wasn't a lie. "Albedo can grow things like that. As for me," She uncomfortably scratched under one of her eyes. "I really don't want to use those powers, though. They're super evil, not something a hero should be using." At the alchemists prompting, Linkle considered where the misty autumn glenn Skadi had mentioned might be. "I passed some pretty autumny place when I was wandering around, but they weren't misty at all. It could be anywhere, I guess." While Father Guerra pointed out the system of ropes that connected the villages Linkle took her compass off from around her neck and held it out in front of her toward the window. The needle, like most times, spun wildly back and forth but as she watched she could swear it stalled for a moment one...two...like four times while pointing straight down. She nodded to herself. That was good enough for her. In truth it could have been pure bias clouding her interpretation. Even if she had been trying too it was impossible to hide the naked eagerness on her face at the prospect of riding on the ropes. "Let's give it a shot!" she said. "It sounds like a ton of fun." She presented the compass proudly. "Besides, I think there's a good chance we'll find it down there." The needle was now pointing directly up.