[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 370 (+1 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]8[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 4/80 [b]Location:[/b] Edge of the Blue - The Maw[/color][/center] Cadet and Nadia continued their work, moving even faster to keep Moreau in their area. The sound of metal on metal as they worked the cutters against the chains was beginning to grate on the Cadet. Because of their predicament, there was never any novelty to being turned into kids to begin with. Maybe in another situation it would have been kind of fun to see everyone like that. But now they were all tired, hungry, and stressed. His own stamina was so low it was a joke, and it couldn't keep up with his strength. Pressing his side of the metal cutters too hard made them fumble from their hands and drop into the drink. [color=salmon]"Agh, sorry,"[/color] he sighed in frustration, [color=salmon]"We'll find another way."[/color] Unfortunately that other way wouldn't involve fishing, which while disappointing for the monster hunter, was overall safer for the kids. When Moreau crashed into the area Bowser had just vacated, the impact shook the entire area. That monster didn't even need to catch any of them, just smashing into them would be deadly. The Cadet held the railing tightly as the hanging platforms rocked back and forth. He looked down at the metal below their feet, and the chains that remained and kept the platforms suspended, judging Nadia's comment. He really [i]hoped[/i] they were stable enough not to just fall and take them with it, especially after they'd spent so long up there already. He could see the worry in the Feral's eyes though, so once the platform's swaying slowed he pulled the kite Link had given him from his back and offered it to her. [color=salmon]"Here, it might slow your fall enough to make it back to solid ground. If you fall. Which you won't!"[/color] After those very convincing words the Cadet nodded and agreed with Nadia's plan, seeing as they didn't have many other options. Most of the others that had joined them in the room retreated to the safer areas (or so the Cadet thought, unaware of the new danger in the Command Center). With just himself, Nadia, and the recently returned Link they'd have to keep the monster's attention anyway they could. Ace Cadet followed her lead. [color=salmon]"Yeah, let's go!"[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4DgO1VH.png[/img] [color=FFC6C6]Word Count: 247 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]5[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 24/50 [b]Location[/b]: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●●●●[/color][color=gray]●[/color] [color=2E2C2C]D34C25[/color][/center]The rest of the skeletons were dispatched expertly. Primrose met Band's smile with a nod. After they made sure the last of their foes were gone for good and with the dust and spirits settling, Primrose and Big Band moved across the bridge. Both of them carried a sense of urgency, scooping up the spirits as they went, and though Primrose wanted to make the most of the buff she'd bestowed on Band she did take the time to summon that healing flame again. [color=D34C25]"Here, hold still. This won't take much time,"[/color] she said. She placed the healing fire of [i]Warmth[/i] over what wounds he had. While they still had the option, it would be best to go into the next battle in top form. That said, the dancer didn't have infinite magic reserves. She would have to pick her spells carefully and use the most of her BP if she wanted her magic to continuing lasting through multiple battles. Once Band was healed she stepped up to the bridge's ledge. She looked between the landing and Band, and found that she agreed with his logic. [color=D34C25]"I am not sure I would be able to catch you either, even with this scarf. So, just don't break it and fall."[/color] She sent Band a small grin before she leapt. She didn't hesitate at all, her new accessory carrying her over with little worry. Once she alighted she went right through the doorway to make way for her companion.