[hr][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZmODg4OC5UbUZyWVc1dklGTmhhM1Y1WVEuMA/gloria-beauty-demo.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] God, why did everything with this guy feel like pulling teeth? Sakuya supposed she could give him the bare amount of credit for not just walking away or ignoring her, but if he wasn't interested in talking, then why did he bother replying? No, why was [i]she[/i] bothering when she expected exactly this? Letting out a sigh, Sakuya rubbed her temple. No, she was much too stubborn to just walk away. She could do this. Establishing a kohai-senpai relationship wasn't [i]that[/i] hard. She just needed to be friendly and upbeat, just like Natsuhime-san was. Although she had no idea how the girl had the energy to be so positive every single moment of every single day. Still, it wouldn't kill Sakuya to be a little friendly. With that in mind, Sakuya dropped her hand, frowning at Noriaki. [color=salmon]"I apologize for the inconvenience. I felt that we started off on the wrong foot yesterday, and hoped to rectify it,"[/color] She humbled herself first and foremost, wanting to show her sincerity. [color=salmon]"If you don't have the time, that's fine. I can always try again tomorrow."[/color] [/indent][hr][right][sub][@Asura][/sub][/right][hr][indent] The amount of tension in the Cooking Club was suffocating the second Genki crossed the border into the room. While there were only Kaito and Linda inside, it was obvious that the source of said tension was the oven in front of them. Neither one acknowledged Genki's words, instead, their entire focus was on Kaito. With trembling hands, he cautiously lifted up a tray of what looked like tiny cups, placing them down gingerly onto the nearby table. He quickly removed his gloves and tossed them over his shoulder, kneeling down to inspect them. Linda opened her mouth, though Kaito raised his hand. Whipping out a fork, he nervously poked the pastry. Time seemed to stop for just a moment, though he let out a small sigh of relief. However, said relief was premature, as the pastry deflated and collapsed into itself. The two were completely silent, the fork falling from Kaito's hand and onto the floor. Kaito fell to his knees, both hands gripping his head. [color=dodgerblue]"NOOOOOOOOOOO!"[/color] He screeched dramatically. [color=dodgerblue]"Well, that's unfortunate,"[/color] Linda giggled, and the tension in the room evaporated. She looked back at Genki, flashing a smile. [color=dodgerblue]"We've seen better days."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"I did everything to [i]perfection[/i],"[/color] Kaito muttered, ratting his hair. [color=dodgerblue]"It was those egg whites, wasn't it...?!"[/color] Linda patted his head sympathetically. [color=dodgerblue]"Determination tempers the sword of your character, my student,"[/color] She told him cheerfully as he broke into tears. [color=dodgerblue]"And hey, soufflé is hard to make! This was a good first try!"[/color] [/indent][hr][right][sub][@Lord Orgasmo][/sub][/right][hr]