[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9aBbLIY.png[/img] [b]Interactions:[/b] Victoria White ([@Smike])[/center][hr] [color=92278f][i]'I just had to go from a control freak to a self-righteous piece of shit!'[/i][/color] Mehetabel growled as this thought came across her mind, clutching her head in pain, [color=92278f][i]'Why can't I catch a break?! Just one time?! That's all I fucking want!'[/i][/color] Come to think of it, why [i]was[/i] the sergeant the only person who Mehetabel even remotely recognized? Where was Jean? Diana? Lucia? Or even that other guy that was there at the card game; Isaac Black if she recalled his name correctly? Did they all have their own briefing for a completely separate mission to Mehetabel's and the sergeant's? Was it a difficult one? Did it make any sense to them? There were just so many questions Mehetabel had, but perhaps it'd be better to hold off until after her mission was completed. Assuming she survived it. And any of the four familiar faces survived [i]theirs[/i]. Mehetabel was about to move on, when a sudden sharp whistle caught her attention... and her fury alongside it. She did not want to deal with anyone right now. She was beyond not in the mood for it. [color=92278f]"WILL YOU JUST...??!!"[/color] Mehetabel balefully turned to face the one who dared speak to her but, the second she saw exactly what Victoria had in hand, her anger had somehow dissipated as quickly as it manifested, the contortion of her face melting away by the second as her glare softened into a mere gaze, [color=92278f]"Oh crap; that [i]is[/i] my drink. Er... thanks for that, I guess."[/color] She slowly approached Victoria, took the glass from her hand and took a sip. Thankfully it never had much of a chance to warm up. However, while she appreciated her thoughtfulness to an extent, Mehetabel was weary of Victoria's intentions here. As such, it didn't take long for her face to show its leery, purely venomous self again. [color=92278f]"This better not be a ploy to butter me up and reel me back in there,"[/color] she warned Victoria. Quite frankly, Mehetabel was done with the place. She already got the gist of the MO. Get in. Snatch Imps. Retaliate if need be. Get out. If anyone managed to nab an NCP out of sheer luck, all the more power to them, and if they could do all this without the Imperials getting wise, all the more power to them. But everything else may as well have gone in through one of Mehetabel's ears and out the other, for all the good it did to her psyche. And the lower the risk of her getting an earful of overbearing sergeant, the better.