She knew Dean wasn't the only one who found it so random about her. She knew Bobby did as well as he once found her crying to a film in her room once or twice after a solo hunt. She needed to relax and she thought tucking into a bowl of ice cream with bruises down her arms or on her face depending on how the fight went, crying to an romantic movie. She was certain her uncle probably had some photos somewhere of it, no doubt to use as bribery or as an embarrassing story to tell in the future to people. She let Dean take the cloth to wash her back for her, her hands coming up and holding her hair over her shoulder as he wiped down ehr back and kissed where her scars would be still seen under the tattoo of hers. She smiled at his comment about how it made her all the more perfect to him, which reminded her of what Bobby called her one time when he was drunk and had seen one her crying to a romantic movie nights. "Did you know Bobby once called me an onion when he caught me crying into a bowl of ice cream over a movie?" she smirked and chuckled as she confessed that little secret. "The git said I had so many layers to me I was like his onion niece. Then he took his drunken ass out of my room and went back downstairs" she chuckled remembering the night fondly. "Which might explain somewhat why he wasn't too mad. Think he's too stubborn to admit that he's glad we're actually happy" she added to him after he pointed out how Bobby could have been easily more mad than he was. She smiled, biting the inside of her lip as he kissed behind her ear finding every action he did made her so much more relaxed and she didn't think it was entirely possible, considering how relaxed she already felt. "I love that you don't judge me for the little quirks about me and that you're really the only person other than Bobby that knows those quirks." she then said softly.