[h2]Esme Stirling[/h2] Esme tried to not make eye contact with anyone after she got out of Mika’s car. She even tried to not watch Dean as he made his way to the door of Rusty’s, but when she felt his eyes on her, she looked up, meeting his gaze. She felt a little uncomfortable with the way he was looking at her, but could see that he was remembering something. What it was, she couldn’t be sure, but figured it had to be something about them from their time together. She dropped her gaze to the ground as he chewed on his lip, trying to keep from going down memory lane herself. She couldn’t let herself get lost in the memories, not now. Even if she had dwelled on them not too long ago and after hearing of his death. If she allowed herself to dwell on them right now, she would surely become more of a mess than she already was. She needed to keep herself as calm as she could, even if it was hard to do. After a moment, she lifted her gaze just as Dean smiled warmly at her, which she gave a small one in return. When he went to Mika, she looked at the door of the bar as she waited for everyone to get ready to go inside. She sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, hoping that their time here wouldn’t turn into a complete disaster and would go smoothly. Then again, she knew it was a lot to ask for with everything that had gone on the last few days, but she could still dream about it going smoothly for all their sakes. Here lately, none of them had caught a break from everything raining down on them. A slight break would actually be nice.