[color=gray] Rhiannon's eyes opened to bright sunlight and a painful throbbing in her head. She growled and threw her arm over her eyes. She had no idea how late it actually was but the sun was hitting right through their bedroom window now. In their drunken state the night before, neither of them had closed the curtains. Something Rhiannon found to be regretting heavily right now. She turned away from the window and snuggled into the person next to her. The familiar smell of her lover's sleep shirt against her face filled her throbbing mind and Rhiannon felt calm despite the pain. [color=efd7ad][i]Why do I even drink this much? It always gives me a headache.[/i][/color] Granted, Rhiannon usually didn't get drunk. She enjoyed her alcohol in moderation. But yesterday had been a big day. Such a success! And just like that, Rhiannon began to growl again. [color=efd7ad]"Lis?"[/color], she whispered with a dry mouth. Then louder. [color=efd7ad]"Lisa? How late is it? We gotta get to work."[/color] But the woman didn't look a single bit like she was ready to get up and go to work. Instead, she snuggled deeper into the wonderful smell and the softness of the shirt. Gosh, how lovely the warm blanket felt and their bodies close. She hoped this would never fade. [color=efd7ad]"Breakthrough"[/color], Rhiannon grumbled sleepily. [color=efd7ad]"Need to get to work. Much...to do."[/color] Whatever her next words might've been, they got lost in the sleepy grumble packaging they came in. Rhiannon seemed about ready to slip back to sleep. [/color]