[quote=@Fever Dream] [hider=Detective Grey] [b]Name:[/b] Kevin Grey [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Job:[/b] Detective [b]Looks:[/b] [img]https://tv-fanatic-res.cloudinary.com/iu/s--xniUtzu8--/t_full/cs_srgb,f_auto,fl_strip_profile.lossy,q_auto:420/v1584983057/assisting-his-ex-manifest-s2e11.jpg[/img] [b]Small bio:[/b] Not much of an interesting background for the seasoned detective except if you count his father’s time spent involved in organized crime. The fact that he grew up around it was one of the main reasons he decided he wanted to get into police work from a young age. Kevin excelled in school and athletics, being one of the “popular kids” despite not putting any effort into it. He grew up with a younger sister, Sheila, who turned up quite alright herself. Being in his mid 30s meant Kevin already had a family which consisted of his wife and two kids, who just happened to be twins. His life was set, or so he thought. One day, he reluctantly agreed to go to the strip club for his friend’s bachelor party, and the moment he laid eyes on Charlotte he instantly fell in love. Needless to say, it was only a matter of time before he became a regular, eventually going as far as hooking up with her. But, much to his dismay, Charlotte decided to blackmail him if he as so much even thought of pushing a case against her “extracurricular activities”. The slippery slope he was on had no return, and he found himself abusing alcohol, getting into fights with his wife, and becoming rather violent with just about anyone who gave him lip, all while keeping up appearances at work. [b]Weapon:[/b] TBD [/hider] [/quote] Accepted. And if you know anyone that is into dark grimy horror, tell em bout this. 😎