Needless to say, the crushing blows and the ensuing fireball were enough. The skeletons that had been struck fell to pieces, only be be consumed in flames. Their bones singed and blew apart, whatever flesh remained on them burning away leaving a particularly unpleasant odor behind. All that remained was smoldering shards of bone, plus one disembodied skull rolling helplessly about, still animated by whatever foul magic had raised them in the first place, its jaw opening and shutting with a clicking sound. Given it had no ability to harm anyone unless they were incredibly stupid, it was unlikely to pose a threat. Within the chamber was pitch black, making it clear that the excavators had left rather quickly. Likely after encountering the skeletons themselves. However, Neffy would be able to discern great stone pillars and a long hall with what remained of long wooden benches, and a faded and rotten red and gold carpet. There did not appear to be any further obstacles in the chamber. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Zoey Boey][@Raineh Daze][@Crimson Paladin][@Darner]