[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210324/c514e8101f58f889421092edb63edaa1.png[/img][/center][right][sub]April 11th - After School[/sub][/right][hr] Daigo spent most of his day in a daze, slumped over his desk with his head barely propped up enough to see the board. The only indication he was even awake was the anxious rhythm his foot ceaselessly tapped into the floor, and even that might not've convinced a skeptic he wasn't simply a very fidgety sleeper. It wasn't too unreasonable to pretend the day prior had simply been a bad dream; he'd passed out the moment he got home and woke up around four AM with only a hazy recollection of giant beetles and William giving him more cryptic instructions- [i]but that was fine because it was all a giant delusion and William and Mira didn't exist.[/i] Just to be on the safe side, he wasn't keen on talking to anyone that could challenge these conclusions. Hoshino, thankfully, made a beeline for the door as soon as they were dismissed and he didn't see where Mori had gone off to, but that still left Sasaki - wait, he didn't know that short girl's name, she told it to him in a dream. The redhead decided he couldn't stay here regardless. Or walk home. He could run into one of them on the way; he was pretty sure Hoshino lived near him based on their expedition on the first day. He needed an alibi, or a reason to walk in the complete opposite direction of his house. Wait, what if Sa- [i]mystery girl[/i] or Mori lived that way? Cooking Club sounded safe. He swore he heard the council was considering disbanding the club for lack of members anyway; Daigo would certainly get some peace and quiet there. He lifted his head for a furtive look around the room for any approaching heads of green hair, then rushed out the door with panicked haste. The sight of Hoshino lingering just outside the doorway was enough to make him almost trip, but he bolted off before anyone had a chance to comment on it. Especially Hoshino, he could easily use poking fun at the nerd almost falling as an excuse to duck the president - jeez, was she going to come by every day? Didn't matter. No time to think right now. Just Cooking Club. No thoughts, head empty. At least until he got upstairs and heard the award-winning scream from inside the room he'd intended to enter. Hopefully no one dropped a knife on their foot or something. No, that sounded more like the anguished cry of a man that had dropped his ice cream cone. He hesitated before his approach, though the lack of panicked noises from inside the room at least reassured him he wouldn't walk in on some gruesome injury. [color=ff9933]"Is this the Cooking Club or the Drama Club?"[/color] Daigo deadpanned as he shuffled into the room, only to jump in surprise and whack his side into the doorframe when he noticed the other student in the doorway was one of the only three people on the entire campus he needed to avoid right now. Whatever prey animal instinct had screamed at him to run was drowned out by the new throbbing in his arm, and the orange-haired teen settled for wincing in place as he accepted his fate. [color=ff9933]"Ow."[/color] No, it'd be fine; the persona thing was all a dream anyway. The real Genki definitely didn't get sucked into a mirror with him yesterday. Nope. Huh, that was a new experience. Usually he didn't prefer the real version of a boy to the one in his dreams. [hr][@Lord Orgasmo]