[quote=@Legend] *Places my hand at the approximate location of your chest, and Fourth’s glasses disappear from my person in a quick flash of light* Value this gift and survive. Farewell, source. *A curtain of darkness seals away the dragon with us in it as chains spring from my hand and attach themselves to your essence—a series of interlocking binds anchor you to this position; in response to the exertion, my arm and torso contort internally and my left eye bursts, resulting in a gray semisolid deforming in the socket* [/quote] *The underlying extension of myself into the fabric of reality begins folding inward around us, bringing all that surrounds me into my person* Survival was always the goal. *The very reality that gets pulled into me seems to cease to be, as once it crosses the threshold of my body it no longer can be seen or felt in any way. One of my hands contorts, grows and stretches, reaching out to grab you and pull you in as well*