[centre][h3]Mayor Haxe[/h3][/centre] [hr] With a wave of goodbye and a well-wish of "Have a nice morning and thank you for your ever-stellar work," the mayor turned away from the moth-girl and addressed the Sangakuan. "Well, shall the three of us--" He then noticed that the other human had left them. "My, where did Ms. von Eisenberg go?" The cacophony from a taverny building a stonetoss away drew his beady eyes and widened them greatly with even greater surprise. "Oh, Makers - what has Ms. Firetail found this time?" He dropped down onto all four cloves, turned briefly to nod for Yoshina to follow. "Oh, do forgive me. We are going this way!" The little pigman then assumed an elegant gait, though his steps carried a slight hint of urgency. He oinked pensively to himself and occasionally lifted a front foot to pat his wig into place. The little street was virtually the only street in the town with paves, and it essentially led in two directions: east and west. It wasn't easy to get lost here, but the mayor couldn't very well leave visitors to figure out where everything was on their own. His porcine stomach growled. The scent of rolls was thick on the air. [@Kumbaris][@Lucky]