Dean wrapped his towel around his waist and nodded at her suggestion to head to the bedroom. He stepped forward, walking into their small bedroom and quickly sat on the foot of the bed. He was exhausted, but had trouble wanting to sleep, when things were so calm. It seemed so rare that ever had these moments. As he sat there, he scratched at his chest a bit, his hair messy and all over his head and his eyes sleepy, “I think my alcohol has finally turned into night cap.” He laid back and scooter himself up onto the pillow, not bothering to get dressed as he laid there, pulling the blankets up around him. Realizing his towel would end up leaving them with a damp bed, he pulled it from under him with some effort and tossed it toward Mika with a small laugh. Sighing in contentment, he raised his arms and placed his hands behind his head, starting to drift off to sleep already. He snapped awake and smiled sweetly down toward the foot of the bed where she was perched, “I’m cold. Come here…”