[color=gray] The sleepy woman let out one more growl as the comforting warmth moved and slipped away from her. Rhiannon would have liked to protest against her wife leaving the bed, even though it was her who had talked about getting up first. Her body wriggled closer to the sleeping spot her wife had just left and she snuggled into Lisa's pillow. The beauty of a morning cloud wrapped around her sleepy mind was too much bliss for Rhiannon to leave and so she drifted off into another restful few minutes. She awake to Lisa's words, telling her that the shower was free. Rhiannon moaned in displeasure. [color=efd7ad]"You're too loud"[/color], the woman beneath the messy bed-hair complained. She wasn't sure if Lisa had heard her complaint as no answer followed. With another groan, Rhiannon forced herself to slowly sit up. She felt like a zombie. And the throbbing in her head came right back to her. Her limbs somehow managed to carry her to the bathroom and allow her to brush her teeth. Only when she had a clean mouth and had forced a brush through her hair did she enter the shower. Rhiannon could never shower with such tangled hair or bed-breath. It made her feel unclean. No. She enjoyed the feeling of stepping out of the shower and being entirely fresh. And her hair... well... you try to shower with strays of entangled hair and get your fingers through them while washing... It's not fun. And it's even less fun when you have entangled wet hair. So brushing first it was. Once showered, Rhiannon grabbed a pain killer pill from their medicine cabinet in the bathroom and walked downstairs on bare toes and wrapped in a comfy cuddly bathrobe. The amazing smell of omelets wrapped around her head and made her smile sheepishly. But the throbbing still persisted and Rhiannon kept her eyes half-closed against the bright sunlight. [color=efd7ad]"Just water please."[/color] She seated her tired, heavy body at the kitchen table. Lisa handed her the desired glass of water and Rhiannon swallowed the pain killer and drank up the entire glass. Water was supposed to help. [color=efd7ad]"I wanna continue right where we left off yesterday. I was thinking we could try to regulate the power with the electric buffer you put together - mind you, the only one that hasn't fried up yet - and we should be able to connect the blink drive safely to the motherboard of the portal. I don't wanna ask for resources for yet another blink drive. Those fuckers take ages to put together. After all, they're essentially what provides our portal with coordinates throughout time and space. Anyway. If we increase the power intake slowly and monitor the radiation closely, we might be able to figure out the exact numbers for a safe energy supply - oooh! omelets!"[/color] Rhiannon's monologue halted as the picturesque breakfast was placed in front of her. [color=efd7ad]"Thank you."[/color] At least the alcohol intake from last night hadn't interfered with Rhiannon's appetite. The food felt like a blessing in her mouth and she almost felt her body gaining energy. Like in a video game when you watch your health stat getting filled up. With a full mouth, Rhiannon continued her thoughts: [color=efd7ad]"What I mean to say is that I am positive we can get the portal to turn [i]on[/i] today [i]AND[/i] connect the blink drive. If we're lucky we can start testing some dials. But I don't wanna get ahead of myself."[/color] Rhiannon looked up at her wife sitting across the table from her now. A smile spread over her face as her heart skipped a beat. The view of Lisa still brought all the joys of their first kiss, their first 'I love you', their first sleepover with it. [color=efd7ad]"You're beautiful. Do I tell you that enough?"[/color] [/color]