Kistal’s drinking game went on for quite some time, though eventually, he was the obvious winner. Being a satyr gave him the ability to do it with ease, however, knowing this, it didn’t stop some of the people of Kalla from wanting to do it just for a good time. Some of Valia’s students tried, but they couldn’t handle the alcohol as well to keep going. Valia giggled as she watched her students attempt to take on the challenge, wishing she could have a go as well if it weren’t for her injuries. She knew she wouldn’t be able to outlast a satyr, but she knew that she could outlast any of the current competitors, and with a little flare as well. No, instead the only person that seemed to be able to last the longest was none other than the young blacksmith. His work gave him just enough a steady hand to have a slight edge on other men that attempted the challenge, and he was able to outdrink any of the dancing girls with ease, leading him to the much coveted second place to the satyr. Speaking of dancers, Tali’s display did not go unnoticed. Many watched with wonder, including the other dancers and again, Valia herself. Seeing some very familiar moves as well as some foreign to them. Valia wasn’t sure as to where they were from, not knowing that Maeve may recognize a few of the steps, but she did take note of some of the style differences and the effects on the crowd. Dance was her specialty after all, even though she hasn’t traveled the world, she always would have liked to see the ways others express themselves through movement. For her, even though she couldn’t risk dancing, Tali and Kistal both were able to entertain and inspire her greatly. Allanon would find himself left alone to his thoughts, though the sounds of celebration went throughout the night, plans for the next day to be used as a day of rest and grieving after Dorran’s send off. Kallen would have found plenty of people to make acquaintances with, especially with people in such high spirits. If he ever needed access to kallan specific produce or armaments, he would always be welcome to do business there. Some wondered why Ingoleth mostly sat back and watched. He had an instrument yet didn’t seem keen on playing it at the moment. It was normally just something noticed in passing however as the locals shrugged it off and continued themselves. If he chose to play at any time in the night, he would definitely gather at the very least a small crowd to listen to his music. Maybe even a few moments of what one could call center stage attention if he really got into it. Lynn’s wandering didn’t go unnoticed, as Valia was able to wave the girl down to come back and sit with her and Maeve. SHe seemed a lot healthier than before, and the night was a far more comfortable atmosphere for the poor girl. She drew a lot of attention among the locals, much like when Tali first arrived, due to how different she was. Many of them had never before seen anything like her, having not left the desert. Lynn eventually noticed said attention and became a little self conscious about the stares, to which Valia would try to assure her that it was simply curiosity of the unknown and maybe even admiration of her beauty mixing into something that they couldn’t take their eyes off of. This only made her blush more and made her more self conscious it seemed, but at least she knew it wasn’t a bad thing. At the end of the festivities, as the sun began to rise, The town came out to watch as Dorran’s body was set on a self driven fire skiff, pointed towards the sunrise. After a brief farewell, the skiff was pushed off to set sail towards the sunrise. At some point in time, much later, the fire that drives the skiff would eventually engulf the skiff itself where it would burn and become one with the sands. Some of the people that retired overnight had woken up early while the others had stayed up long enough to bid their previous chief one last time, and taking this next day as a day of mourning and reflection. Valia kept to herself at home. She couldn’t bring herself to watch the final ceremony. Some in the town knew that she had reserved feelings for Dorran, and there were few rumors as to why. It was always a mystery why the woman never settled down, even. Today, however, once the celebration of Dorran’s life had concluded, she had distanced herself for some time. Allard’s family took some time to themselves as well after the final ceremony, but left the rooms open for their foreign guests, so everyone had a place to stay at the inn, save for Lynn who they let sleep in the oasis once more. Vog and Neev stayed at the temple, which claimed the young girl that Allanon brought back under their protection. And lastly, Bidzil was still asleep at one of the tables in the tavern portion of the inn. As everyone would wake up, some may find some things to be missing. Allanon is missing a belt, Hilde lost a hairband, the tiny ribbons on Maeve’s shoes disappeared, Sev would notice some missing shirt buttons, Kallen’s eyepatch is nowhere to be found, Ingoleth lost four of his lyre's strings, and Kistal would be missing a patch of fur from his left calf. Oddly enough, Nix, Tyreal, Lynn, Chihiro, and Tali weren’t missing anything, though some other townspeople could be heard muting about something going missing here and there.Though, they just chalked it up to a wild night for the most part. Activity would be pretty low at this time, making it easy to get around and get organized, or even visit around, but most of the shops and stalls would be closed. It is a couple hours till noon.