[@AdorableSaucer] Oh that's fine I feared that might be the case as I was unsure if the village had a port or not so I never actually clarified that the port was close by or not on purpose. At least that was my intention until I knew otherwise for sure. So I will just have to alter my post of them traveling to Loren with the cargo. It was always meant to be a post and hope that there is a port lol just didnt luck out this time. But it's no biggie because now I can increase my post size and add in more stuff ^^ EDIT: Okay I added a bit more in, I decided in the spirit of not writing a novel for my first post that I would detail their travels in my next post. I do have a few questions if you don't mind of course. First, How far is Struq from Lorenstad? My second question is probably obvious but ima ask anyways, travel would be by horseback, correct? I was never getting the impression that trucks are a thing in this world haha. My third question is if you wanted to maybe give me a cue in your next post, like you see us coming over a hill or something wherein I could take the ropes and arc into the town. Its not necassary but felt like it would be a smoother transition.