Though it did not appear so from the outside, Vreta had a great deal to focus on in the moment. Rhia was quickly catching him up on everything he missed, while he still had to pay attention to what was happening around him. Rhia helped with that as well by highlighting and recording points of interest, particularly outside the windows of the train. She recommended responses to 595, but Vreta still heard her well enough to have his own answer. “I think you know Rothians well enough by now to know that we never plan on dying. Or plan on [i]never[/i] dying, rather.” Vreta replied. The train was quick, so as Freyr had said, it did not take long for it to arrive at their destination. They were not quite in the GCHQ yet, but rather a nearby station. Even still, Vreta was already feeling chills when he stepped out onto the platform. The place was a mess, with debris, refuse, and personal items scattered all around the station. No bodies, so it could have been a sign of a hasty evacuation…hopefully. In any case, Vreta checked his weapon’s charge and kept his head on a swivel, while Rhia kept up scanning everything he could not see.