[@Forsythe] [@Kumbaris] Shina turned her head slowly, to be met with bright red eyes asking for a seat. Shina couldn't believe it, there, staring her straight in the face was the dragon. Bold as brass asking her for a seat?! Shina rubbed her eyes, and rubbed again, and a third time just for certain, but still it was a dragon's face she saw. She couldn't understand how no-one else could see what she could. Her panda tail started shaking, but she kicked it under her legs so no-one could see her fear - no-one can ever see her fear. [color=green] 'I...uh...umm...' [/color] Shina cleared her throat. She couldn't let the dragon see her weakness so she stood proudly and said, bowing.. [color=green] Uh yes of course. I am Shina of the firetail clan. I... [/color] Suddenly from nowhere, an image of her mother and father came into view. They stood proudly, her father, tall with a long red dreadlocks and a masterful beard. Her mother, a beautiful woman with long flowing red curls. [color=yellow] Shina, do not be afraid, you are strong and we are proud of you. There are powers you are yet to unlock..[/color] She didn't understand the last part but she wanted to believe in her parents as their image faded away. Shina looked around the inn, at all the laughing faces she had grown to love, and those new ones, that would be interesting to say the least! 'Ok' she thought 'If no-one else is afraid, the least I can do is play along, until I find out more about this 'person'' [color=green] ...I must apologise for my behaviour, I am not feeling well' [/color] she lied. As she spoke, she heard a new voice ask if she needed a seat to relax. She turned and saw a very attractive red head, similar to her. [color=green] That is very kind of you. This morning has certainly taken me by surprise... and I'm not often surprised! [/color] She chuckled, which felt foreign to her, given the circumstances and started to feel relaxed. [color=green] Shall we all take a seat together, I would like to hear where you are all from. [/color] She was particularly interested in the dragon's story...