First off, I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to create CS applications! I enjoyed reading them all, and although the roster is limited I appreciate even those CSs that are not chosen. I apologize if your CS is left out, but I have a history of burning myself out and I [i]really[/i] don't want to do that for this RP - so I'm keeping it small and as tight-knit as possible/reasonable. [@hatakekuro], [@KillamriX88], and [@Potemking] - I think your three sheets stuck out to me as particularly fitting, as I believe they'd mesh well with the rest of the selected and the overall scheme. I see no glaring issues for any of you, so feel free to move your sheets to the Characters section! Talking in private with another individual who has shown interest, I think them(should they join), myself, and the above three is an acceptable roster size and composition for this RP. A little smaller than I initially stated, but I've been out of it for a bit so that's probably for the best. I'd like to apologize again, to the CS creators who aren't joining us for this journey at least, for being so selective, but I feel it's a necessity for me at the moment. [@sassy1085], [@Randomness], [@Crimson Flame], and [@QueenofGaymes]: Much love to you fellow Pokémon fans, and I hope y'all find journeys to quench your Pokéthirst (that sounded better in my head..). Maybe in the future we will cross paths again - and perhaps it'll be another Pokémon Journey!