Jinto pondered her proposition, It would definitely assist to have a better training place, but should he be caught, the house of Yakou would be dishonored. He had been taught to put honor first, should he go through with her plan, he would only use the facility for training. Fighting in secret was without glory and honor, as well as against the oppressive, but reasonable rules of the school. While he didn't disagree with school rules, he was a guest at the facility and he had been taught the manners of a polite guest. He would follow the rules, to an extent. "I will be open to this secret facility, but any fight in secret isn't a fight that interests me." Jinto said as he stood up from his seat. The gathering was over and he would have to get rest before his day of classes tomorrow. He had chosen his classes according to what he believed would assist him the best in the future, Martial Arts, Chi and Chakras, Spirits, and Literature. "We can discuss this after the match tomorrow," Jinto said as he turned to leave. As he started to walk he stopped himself and turned back to Ellfen. "I'll be willing to join a team as well." He said before exiting the room. Ellfen was a skilled earthbender as well as a sandbender, having her on a team would serve to be profitable. He spotted Makki and the girl Suzume chatting at the split between the paths that went to the different dorms. He walked past them down the path to the boy's dormitory without giving them another glance.