Lady was looking down from her rooftop position, watching the people in town. It was not as busy as Grada, with its ever-crowded streets full of people and creatures and animals and carriages and stalls and trash and whatever else comes to mind. Yes, it was much calmer here, but not completely dead. The position on the main road to Struq made sure they got a fair share of strangers here, just enough to make it not boring. The local inn was especially busy for this time of day, many people coming in and out, each movement of the door bringing new scents that made Lady’s stomach rumble. She wasn’t really hungry yet, but one could always use a snack. Before she could decide whether to try and sneak in, two women came out. Well, one woman and one creature. --[i]Ugh, these mixed breeds. Seriously? You are either a human or an animal. Pick one. People with tails. Where does that lead?[/i]-- Lady wasn’t very fond of the races that took from both humans and some animals - all those snake people, horse people, bull people, even such abominations as cat people. --[i]RAT PEOPLE. Don’t forget about those gross rat people! The fish people on the other hand, hmm…[/i]-- Forget it. The truth was that she hadn’t really met many of them, but Miss Binklesthorpe always said to stay clear of such creatures. Belonging to the Church of the Pure, she believed that humans and animals should have never been mixed in that way and those races should not even exist. Lady had heard her preaching a million times over and had no reason not to believe her. --[i]What have the rat people ever done for me, hm?[/i]-- Lady moved closer to eavesdrop on their conversation. It was always good to know what was going on, just in case someone was planning a black cat pogrom. She leaped from the roof right onto a tree branch and quietly traversed it above the taller woman. They were talking about… --[i]THAT is definitely NOT a dead leaf![/i]-- Something flew from the inn and followed the women, perching itself in Lady’s tree, just a few meters away from her. It looked like an odd squirrel with wings, just as black as Lady... --[i]Nothing is as black as I am.[/i]-- ... almost as black as Lady. The creature nibbled on some fruit like a bird. Truth be told, it didn’t smell very food-ish, Lady would have to be very hungry to try and eat it, but it looked like a fun thing to play with. She crept up closer, her sharp claws scratching the thick tree bark, and her tail moving slowly from side to side to provide additional balance. The creature didn’t notice her, its attention divided between the fruit and the women below. When she was close enough, she wiggled a bit to find the perfect position and then she jumped, carefully choosing her landing spot on a tree branch just next to the flying squirrel. To make sure she really scared it, she hissed as loud as she could and waved her front paws with claws pulled out right in front of the creature’s face. The poor thing jumped up in horror, berries falling all around as it waved its wings to get to a safe distance, squeaking desperately and looking offended. --[i]BOOOOO! Hehehe! Oh… ups.[/i]-- The branch wasn’t really meant to be jumped on and with a loud noise it cracked, sending Lady flying down to the ground. As a proper cat, she landed on all four, and crawled from beneath the leaves and twigs, right in front of the two women. [b]“Hello. I mean… Meow.”[/b] [@RedPandaGamer][@Forsythe]