[@Sep] [color=a36209] [h1] [center]Snoanta[/center][/h1][/color] [color=a36209] [h1] [center]Location: Lothal[/center][/h1][/color] Snoanta noticed the salvage ships were being shot at, he deemed it a blessing in disguise. Perhaps this would distract his pursuers while he got into his curiser and would grab Gal’Tek. Rushing towards his vessel and sitting on the captain’s chair, closing the landing dock. Slowly his trasnport slowly rose off of the ground, “[color=a36209]Make sure to keep those bastards out of our way, when we get close to him I'm gonna open the landing dock and grab him.[/color]” E8 made a couple of beeps in agreement. The small droid helps the Wookie with navigating the chaotic skies, trying to avoid the other ship’s laser cannon’s. His ship occasionally gets into the crossfire damaging his ship. “[color=a36209]Damn it.[/color]” Snoanta noticed Gal’Tek’s had activated his communicator so he could be tracked. “[color=a36209]Very clever.[/color]” The ship was getting closer towards Gal’Tek’s position, when they were close enough Snoanta opened the landing dock. Holding onto a nearby handle while they got closer towards Gal’Tek. The ship was rattling and shaking, almost causing him to almost fall out. His transport was getting closer and closer towards Gal’Tek, he was worried that he would not be able to grab Gal’Tek thanks to all of the laser fire. Ordering E8 to move a bit closer towards the ground, Snoanta had to avoid the incoming gun fire from his pursuers. His hand reached out trying to pull Gal’Tek into his ship, if successful then he could quickly throw Gal’Tek into his ship and help E8 get the ship off this planet. "[color=a36209]Do you wanna tell me why you were being tracked? And who where those people?[/color]" He yelled out while also trying to focus getting themsleves out of danger.