Chen blinked. For a moment she was just stunned. Ani-meh? She thought she'd heard of it, had Qiu referenced it maybe? Or Ysel at some point? Hestia didn't really like all the tech that much and Chen's childhood had been relatively austere in that regard. That's why she found painting the glowing towers and such so interesting, and a bit why Kikil was so intimidating. But, uh, she hadn't even considered that there'd be some sort of burrower magic that would help with her moms. Was it dangerous? Oh gosh, it was probably dangerous or she'd have heard of it! B-but there was a dragon claw extended right there, and the voice in her head had been excited, welcoming. She needed to trust Jessic right now. She had to it just, if she couldn't then she was right back to all that trouble and pressure and and...she just needed to trust one of the princesses. Especially one who was trying to help her, who Qiu had sounded really sincere about saying she could help. And besides she'd been right so far, Chen did need to make better friends with the others and...and learn to play in their worlds so she could make her own. even though this was a total swerve from where her mind was and she was a bit bewildered, Chen took that claw and let Jessic help her to her feet. And she held on to that claw because...because right now she just needed to be led and to take in a little bit more and let this happen and she was confident that her thoughts would eventually catch up with her, but they weren't there yet.