[center][img]https://imgix.gizmodo.com.au/content/uploads/sites/2/2020/02/04/tdovwbxoxtdo6pm7v7et.gif?ar=16%3A9&auto=format&fit=crop&q=65&w=720&nrs=30&fm=gif[/img] [b]Hi everyone! So, before I get into what I want to do, here are some things about me:[/b] -I try to post at least once a day. On a good day, you may find I post a lot. On busy weeks, maybe once a week. I really depends on how busy work gets, but I do try to keep my partners in the loop if I don't reply that day or have been really busy. -OOC talk. I LOVE IT. I love to talk, fangirl, plan, etc. I OOC talk on here and on Discord, so whichever you prefer for planning and chatting. -I main females, as I am one, so if you main males, you get double points! For the type of rp I'm thinking of, there can be multiple characters, so really if we double for this one, I'm okay with that as well. I can do FxM and FxF. I'm way more used to FxM but can def do FxF as well. -My posting length varies on whats going on IC and what my partner gives me. I range from 3 to ALOT of paragraphs usually. Sometimes smaller if its a smut scene, but never less than 2. -I have seen Wandavision and Loki. Have not seen Falcon and the Winter Solider yet, so please no spoilers on that end :3 -Please PM me if you are interested instead of posting on here. I don't respond to my interest check threads. [/center] To be honest, I only have really a vague idea for a character (or characters) that I want to play. I do know that I want some of the rp to be inspired by Wandavision and Loki, but not in the same timeline, if that makes sense. This would be MAINLY OCs, but the canon characters like Wanda, Vision, Loki, etc could be involved as well as more of side characters. Same with the other Avengers. I would really like for my partner and I to come together to come up with a really good plot together based around the characters we choose to include. The OCs I have in mind right off the bat are OC children of Wanda and Vision. Twins of course X'D But instead of Billy and Tommy, they are our OCs. I'm thinking for one of my characters, a female twin, and for one of my partner's characters, a male twin. I'm considering, for one reason or another, the twins having been somehow stolen/kidnapped as infants and used for experiments by Hydra growing up, all while Wanda and Vision believed them to be dead. Of course, we can also create romantic interests for both of those characters as well :) One optional idea would be to have other kids of the avengers or other characters as experiments too, but again, I would like to discuss more with my potential partner before deciding anything for sure. I'm really trying to leave the plot open a little for discussion and plotting. I also plan to include some things with Loki as well, but I'm not posting any character or plot ideas because I want to discuss what kind of characters we want for that end of the spectrum lol. Anyway, I'm going to leave it at that. If anything catches your eye and you want to discuss plots, just shoot me a PM! You and me can make an awesome plot together! :3 [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/391a47792532717c1fd50c69dca7e20e/0f8bba43d96b03a7-a2/s400x600/fff383e115cee10bb5f329cee2787bd37c4856ce.gifv[/img][/center]