Lady hissed as the strange woman patted her head. Was she such a cute little kitty that everyone felt the need to pet her? Well, she was, but still, it didn’t give random strangers the right to just go ahead and touch her. --[i]How rude.[/i]-- Fortunately, the woman stopped before Lady had to use her teeth and claws. After the tall red-haired woman admitted to being a dragon, the other two looked surprised. Lady snorted. Humans were so dumb sometimes. It was obvious that the woman smelled [/i]nothing[/i] like a human, in fact, she gave out a scent that warned everyone to stay away from a ferocious beast. Lady wouldn’t have guessed a dragon, she had never really met one before, but she could tell that there was a dangerous predator behind the human disguise. It would probably be best to keep some distance. Unfortunately, the trio headed back into the tavern, which put Lady in front of a dilemma. She eventually decided she was not hungry enough to fight a dragon. Or being patted on the head by strangers. So instead of entering the building, she kept walking down the street towards the river. River meant fish and fish usually meant fishermen. Sleepy old folks napping in their chairs on the riverbank should be easy to steal from. But the town was either too small or the townsfolk were too lazy to get up this early to catch some fish and there were no fishermen in sight. The option that there was in fact no fish in the river was too terrifying to even think of. Sighing, she took a barely visible trail along the river, just to see where it leads. There were some relatively fresh drops of blood on the ground, probably some hunter got up early and took this way to return to town with his catch. The path led her to a small clearing at the riverside with a huge tent on it. There were no fresh human scents and the tent was too big to house humans anyway. Lady curiously crept closer. Could it cover a dragon? --[i]Maybe a baby dragon.[/i]-- Probably not. There was something else that caught her attention, making her whiskers twitch in happiness. Just outside a weirdly wet fireplace, there was a pile of fish. They looked pretty fresh, some of them were still moving slightly. Lady carefully sniffed the air, looked around, and listened quietly for a few moments, but there were no signs of immediate danger. The river smelled of some normal river predators, but not one was in sight. Deciding to use the opportunity, Lady sprinted over to the fish, grabbing one into her mouth. Originally she wanted to drag it away from the clearing to eat it in some safer place, but it was way heavier than she expected. Having no other option, she stayed where she was, her teeth ripping the best parts of meat off the fish skeleton. Each bite was swallowed hastily, she most likely didn’t have much time before the fish owner returned. [@WolfredWolf]