[h3] Dean Winchester[/h3] Dean held her tighter with every shiver of her body, stroking the back of her hair lovingly, “Shhh. Just breathe…” He whispered the words against her hair, just as he had done any time she had ever had moments of painful reflection near him. He was always able to calm her down, but this was intense. He pulled her as close to him as he could, “Just breathe for me baby girl…” Dean was still fighting back his own emotions as she cried against his chest, her violent shaking tearing his heart from his chest. As she calmed, he leaned his head down, rolling it against her forehead as he took her face in his hands, “Hey. Let’s get back to the house and figure out where we want you to stay for the night, okay? If nothing else, I’ll drive you back…” He whispered the words, his forehead pressed against hers and then pulled away before he could make any more rash decisions. He pulled her arms from around him, wrapping her left arm in his right, and kept walking up through the front of the junkyard lot. —— As Dean walked with Esme up to the door of Bobby’s house, he sighed, not knowing what he was walking into, with Mika. He half expected her to be inside the door, waiting to ambush him with hatred and anger, but when he stepped in, he was surprised to see only Bobby and Nat sitting there. “Where’s everyone else?”, he asked simply, mostly to Natalia, “Where’s Mika?” He glanced up toward the kitchen, just as he saw her pass the window, and tilted his head to the side. She had left the bar nearly two hours prior. Where the hell had she been? [h3] Bobby Singer [/h3] Bobby smirked at Nat, reaching for what he had noticed was her favorite drink of his stash. Sitting the whiskey on the table, he pulled a couple of half clean glasses from his desk, and sat them near the bottle, “Well, have at it. Your quick work tonight is why you’re my favorite, kid…” Hearing her talk about how the night had gone from good to shit, Bobby shrugged his shoulders, glancing toward the door, “I had half expected it would happen. I didn’t want it to happen here. This is a safe place for Mika and if she was going to have her heart ripped out, I wanted it to happen away. Let’s just hope Cason finds what it is he’s looking for, and kills the damn thing…” [h3] Cason [/h3] Cason lay against the sticky leather seat, his arms snaked around the back of his head as he caught his breath, Mika against his side. He looked down at her, just in time for her to realize what she had done and like clockwork, scramble away from him, “Relax! Relax…Mika…” He reached out, his fingers almost touching the scars on her back as he traced them beneath her tattoo. As she dressed, he sighed, sitting up and pulling his t-shirt on over his torso, trying to catch up to her pace. Cason grabbed his jeans from the floor of the car, and with some effort pulled them on as she apologized, “…he can never know about us. He’ll kill me, and you’ll never see him again.” He warned her, knowing that the last sentence would mean more to her than the first, as he pulled his boots onto his feet and followed her out of the car, his jacket still on the floor of the back seat. He closed the car door behind him and followed her, but hesitated to follow her into the house, not wanting to be too close to her when they caught up with the voice he could hear inside, through the kitchen. “Shit. SHIT! What the hell are you gonna do now…”, he muttered to himself, kicking gravel. HIs mind went to Esme, and the intense feelings he felt every time he was around her. What would she think? How would she react? Would she be jealous? Grossed out? He sighed and ran his hand through his messy dark hair. [h3] Annabeth [/h3] Anna smiled at his words, the thought of him remembering her at random times throughout the years they had been apart caused her heart to flutter with excitement. She saw him in her sleep, every single night. Even before she knew who he was, after her temporary memory wipe, she still dreamed of his face, or at least the face she remembered. As she kissed him, her fingers came up to trace the sides of his face, committing the feeling of his skin to memory as she did so. The fact that she could see him, after being without eyes, and now could stand in front of him without worry was an almost intoxicating thought as she pulled back from the kiss briefly, just to nuzzle her nose against his and then kissed him again, slightly more aggressively. The longer their skin touched, the less of the effect of the demon blood she felt, and she wanted to not feel the blood in her system at all…ever again.