Seeing as 595 was leading the way, Vreta took up guarding the rear alongside Freyr they were moving forward. As such, he was in a position to notice when she strayed. She was frightened, understandably. Vreta was frightened, and it was only training that kept him calm and focused. He just kept his mind on moving from one moment to the next, and in this moment, he needed to keep their team cohesive. Freyr would find herself stopped as Vreta took hold her her arm. It was her weapon arm he grabbed, just to make sure she did not fire on him in a panic. At the same time, Rhia had been observing 595’s fight with one of the creatures. She analyzed the effect of the Agent’s shotgun on the creature and used the data to calibrate the efficient power setting for Vreta’s own weapon. As Vreta took aim, holding his rifle underarm in his other hand, she swapped the rifle to its scattershot setting. While not the most stable firing position, the reticle painted on his HUD allowed him to put shots on target. Having Freyr firing wildly at anything that moved was more of a risk than a benefit, so Vreta took immediate action to address the issue. “Stay calm, and just stick close to me. You don’t need to shoot unless they are getting close enough to threaten you. Just stay with me and let me protect you. I want you to grab my tail, and don’t let go.”