Well hello there fellow internet dwellers! The name's Ellmearra, but since I know that's [i]quite[/i] the handful (or rather, [i]mouthful[/i]), you're quite welcome to call me Elle. Or anything, really, so long as it's not insulting. I'm not picky. But I digress. For those of you who actually care about such things, I'm a 24 year old baker who had been roleplaying on forums for oh, about 14 years now (yikes) and decided, for various reasons, that it is time for me to stretch my legs a bit and see if I can find a new writing home. So I guess in this case [i]I'm[/i] the old, and the site is new. I'm also a participant in tabletop RP (mainly as one heck of a DM, if I do say so myself), but nothing quite holds a place in my heart like written story telling. Oh, but you want to know about my [i]non-writing[/i] hobbies too? Very well. I enjoy reading (predictable, really), various tv shows, baking, archery, and plotting the downfall of my enemies. Oh, and snark. I'm [i]very[/i] good at that one, in case you can't tell yet. Ahem. I think that [i]about[/i] covers all the relevant information about me. So anyway, I look forward to meeting all of you, and hopefully making a friend or two along the way!