Augusta sighed. Somehow she expected Rullphana would say as much. "I suppose I haven't be able to practice as much as I would like." Augusta continued with a shrug. "I only started practicing less than a week ago though, so I hope you don't expect as much out of me as your apprentice. I've had to figure most of this out on my own." The elfen woman added. "I like to think I've had some steady improvement... Though, I suppose that attempt casting Lightning was a failure." She looked at her hand for a second, clutching at the air with her fingers before giving a small sigh and looking towards Rullphana. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to witness your studying of Octavia." Augusta mentioned, "I think you'll find her more cooperative anyhow. Also, I'm curious as to how you'll study her." The woman moved a little closer, "Besides, you can never know too much in this world."