Apple DeBaker nodded to Dalkalo's words, she understood, but she understood that some people got more emotional than need be in smaller spaces. Stretching out while sitting on the chair, she kept her eyes on the man while he spoke, and she kept a faint smile on her face, "[color=00746b]I think you two will figure it out or you won't; either way, what happens, happens.[/color]" She commented with a low confident tone while looking around. She wasn't going to wait much longer on a pilot to show up, she was hoping one did, but she wouldn't fret about it too much. A little longer she thought to herself while looking around the room. Deciding to pop the question right off, she glanced at the crew that is already there, "[color=00746b]So...[/color]" Starting off not very strong, "[color=00746b]Does anybody else know how to fly a ship? Just curious.[/color]" [@Smiter19] [@LostDestiny] [@jorcool] [@HEAVY METAL]