Alice was at least MOSTLY sure that her plan would work. And if not... [color=ed1c24][b]"The moon's full tonight,'ll work out, one way or another."[/b][/color] With that meaningless statement, Alice would address Brandy's fears by saying: [color=ed1c24][b]"Well, I don't think they're poor. It may just be sharecropping, or something. Also, basically, yes. My plan is to set up a tripwire that will launch one of my bombs, make a noise so loud that it paralyzes it, and then we pounce for the kill. Sound good?"[/b] [/color] Alice's plan seemed relatively simple, but...really, it was a rabbit with extra steps. [color=ed1c24][b]"Plus, if it winds up escaping, I can just chase after it. Us werewolves get crazy strong and fast during full moons. ...Though uh...if that happens...don't take anything I say too personally. Aggression, and all."[/b][/color] With a rough map made of the area where the rabbit-beast came out of the woods at dusk, Alice would get her trap ready, along with a set of earplugs for herself and Brandy. Wouldn't do them much good to stun the beast and then be stunned themselves, after all. Her Flashpowder bomb would be the equivalent of a grenade going off sound-wise, so anything with sensitive ears was liable to get spooked and stunned. That was the idea, at least.